Incorporating JS into a web page

The main point of JS is to offer dynamic functionality to what previously were static web pages.

Where you input the JS on a webpage, becomes the same place it output. Thus where you place JS is important!


// This is a commment

anumber = 42 //Assigns 42 to anumber

/* This is a muti-line comment */


It is optional to add a ; to the end of every line

Inserting JS

<script> </script>

<script src="myscript.js"></script>


JS is a case-sensitive language - myvariable does not equal MyVariable

Variable Naming Conventions

Can name variables starting with a-z, A-Z, $ or _

Escape Characters

  • \' = single quote
  • \" = double quote
  • \ = backslash
  • \b = backspace
  • \f = form feed
  • \n = new line
  • \r = carriage return
  • \t = tab

Casting Functions

  • Boolean() = can be true or false
  • Number() = change to number
  • String() = change to string

Variables can change from string to integer and other automatically without calling it


  • +
  • -
  • *
  • /
  • % = Modulus (remainder after division)
  • ++ = Increment
  • -- = Decrement

There is a long list of arithmetic functions such as Math.cos(a) = returns the cosine of a

Assignment operators enable an operator with equal to do more such as:

a = 20; a += 6; Results in 26

Comparison operators compare values such as:



Ternary Operator

If this then do that thing otherwise do another thing:

expression ? do this : do that

ex. AmPm = Time < 12 ? 'AM' : 'PM'

with Keyword

string = "the dog barks"

with (string)
    document.write("the string's length is " + length)
    document.write("<br />UpperCase: " + toUpperCase())


The string's length is 13 characters


results matching ""

    No results matching ""